Spring Equinox: Growth & Renewal
Spring Growth & Renewal
I feel like we’ve had six months of winter here in Boston.
I spent a week in the Bay Area in late January, and it almost made it worse to come back to a place where nothing feels alive—stark trees, grey skies, sheets of ice on every walkway.
My brother described his backyard as a bobsled run. Suffice it to say, I’m ready for spring.
The fact that it’s just around the corner gives me a chance to embrace this last month of winter—skiing, snowshoeing, sleeping in, and taking a pause before the Yang energy picks up next month.
The Spring Equinox falls on March 20 this year. The Equinox is all about balance: equal hours of night and day, and a seasonal shift that signals the end of winter and the start of spring.
Every year, even though it seems impossible a month before, flowers begin to sprout. (Sometimes I feel bad for the overly ambitious daffodils that try to push through the frost.)
Birds start chattering in the trees again, and we see chipmunks and squirrels. Life finds a way.

Aligning with the Season
It’s no wonder the Equinox is such a powerful symbol for new beginnings, growth, and renewal.
I think a lot about growth as we transition into spring. Even in business, relationships, and life, winter can feel like a time for reflection—a bit of hibernation.
But spring is when we emerge, perhaps with new ideas, a spring in our step, a desire to be outside in the sun, and a need to reconnect with others we haven’t seen since the holidays.
In the startup world, the concept of renewal and new beginnings is central to the idea of a growth mindset, a term introduced by psychologist Carol Dweck. Dweck’s research focuses on the belief that our abilities, intelligence, and potential for success are not fixed or limited. Instead, they can be developed over time through effort, learning, and persistence. We are meant to change and evolve: our bodies and minds crave it.
But what the Silicon Valley world often forgets is that we need time to rest and reflect in order to spark new ideas and creativity.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, nature and human nature are intertwined. In fact, there isn’t a separation between the human body and the world we exist in—your health includes your environment.
When we honor the seasons, we can align our energies in a way that feels balanced. Pushing ahead in the dead of winter is often futile—just like daffodils tempting fate by pushing through the snow too early.
Knowing the Equinox is less than a month away gives us time to prepare for renewal. We can draw inspiration from nature to help renew our mindsets, transform our lives, and make lasting change as we enter spring.
Tips for Renewal
Embrace the Power of Renewal
The Spring Equinox symbolizes a fresh start—a chance to reset. It’s a reminder that after every cold, quiet season—both in nature and in life—there’s always an opportunity for a new beginning.
Any setbacks, challenges, or failures we experienced during the winter are not permanent. They are simply part of the growth process. A growth mindset encourages us to let go of the belief that situations are fixed and instead recognize that through effort, practice, and belief, we can overcome obstacles.
Plant the Seeds for Growth
Spring is a time for planting new gardens, flowers, and trees. It’s about sowing seeds and nurturing them with time and care. Small, consistent actions lead to blossoming gardens, just as our efforts toward improving our mindset and health lead to progress over time.
Making a plan now helps you harness the energy of spring to nurture your growth.
Cultivate a Growth Mindset
The conditions around us matter when it comes to growth. Just as plants need the right soil, sunlight, and water to thrive, our growth mindset flourishes in environments that support and encourage it.
This means surrounding ourselves with positive influences—whether that’s engaging in supportive relationships, seeking out resources that help us learn, or creating an inner environment of self-compassion and positive self-talk.
According to Dweck, when we cultivate a growth mindset, we change the way we approach challenges. We no longer see them as threats but as opportunities for growth. The Spring Equinox encourages us to clear out old mental clutter, negative beliefs, and self-doubt—just as spring clears away the dead leaves of winter—to create space for the new and the positive
Accept the Cycle of Change
Spring doesn’t last forever, and the seasons of change in our lives are cyclical. A growth mindset acknowledges that life is full of ups and downs, successes and setbacks.
Growth doesn’t occur in a linear path. Just as nature constantly evolves through different seasons, so do we. When we embrace challenges and see failure as a learning opportunity we allow ourselves to evolve, just like the earth does with each season. We don’t need to be perfect—we just need to keep growing.
Nurturing Spring Energy
As we transition into spring, we’re reminded that both nature and our own minds are capable of transforming with time, care, and patience.
By taking this season as a cue to plant the seeds for new habits, skills, and beliefs, and nurturing them with persistence, patience, and a supportive environment, we can create lasting change in our lives.
Tap into the energy of spring with our upcoming webinar, March 4, 2024 at 7pm EDT. We’ll learn how to embrace change, align with a growth mindset, and set new intentions.
Julie is the CEO and Co-founder of Rêve Health. She is a serial entrepreneur, accredited investor, and marketing strategist. She ran and sold a funded ecommerce wellness retreat company in 2012 and then started a strategy & transformation consultancy serving Fortune 100 clients. She has a Masters degree in Journalism from Northeastern University and a B.A. in English Literature. As a former Journalist, she is an avid researcher and reader. She enjoys hiking, biohacking, walking her dog, travel, wellness retreats, and watching sci-fi.
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